Following another rigged election in March, Vladimir Putin has been inaugurated for another six-year presidential term. Assuming the 71-year-old lasts the distance, just what kind of a Russia might we imagine in 2030?
On the face of its, the regime will be even more personalistic, even tsarist. However, it will not just be him who has aged. As more and more of his cronies and confidants die or retire, he will have to elevate a new generation of ambitious leaders to manage the country for him. In the process, he will probably try and bypass the current herd of big beasts in his system, people who might nurture their own dreams of succeeding him.
There are already some signs of this, with ‘young princelings’ such as Dmitri Patrushev and Boris Kovalchuk – both the 46-year-old sons of close Mr Putin allies – being promoted in the recent reshuffle, along with Alexei Dymin, the 51-year-old former governor of Tula Region and previously been one of Mr Putin’s bodyguards.
This makes political sense: Mr Putin has always kept control of the elite by pitting individuals, institutions and factions against each other, so why not also generations? However, it also risks creating new tensions within the elite, especially as, unless infirmity or illness prevents Mr Putin from standing yet again in 2030, he is unlikely to have identified an heir. Or, at least, a single heir: there may well be a number, officially unacknowledged, yet whom Mr Putin will likewise play off against each other like Shakespeare’s King Lear, inviting his daughters to flatter him with the promise of lands and riches.
Although the Ukraine war could not still be being fought at the same pitch as today, it is equally unlikely that there will become kind of equitable peace. Instead, Ukraine will be de facto divided, much like Korea, although it could still at any point again explode into violence.
Nor, so long as Mr Putin remains in the Kremlin, will there be any return to the pre-invasion status quo with the West. Russia will remain locked in a bad-tempered Cold War 2.0 with us, under sanctions and responding with disinformation, subversion, acrimony and mistrust.
In the process, Russia will have fallen further and further into Beijing’s orbit. This is not likely to manifest itself in anything as crude as demands for the return of territories ceded in the so-called ‘unequal treaties’ of the 19th and early 20th centuries – at least not yet. Instead, near enough every new car, phone or computer will have come from China, and especially the economies of the Russian Far East will depend on Chinese investment. Why fight over something that you are in effect hire-purchasing?
Under the pressure of lasting sanctions, Russia will have been forced increasingly into a twenty-first century remake of the late Soviet Union, with a heavily planned and state-controlled economy bent to the needs of the defence-industrial complex, backed and enforced by an authoritarianism taking full advantage of the latest security technologies. Cameras running facial recognition systems will be on every street corner, station and apartment building entryway, police drones will buzz their way over their cities, and AI will be harnessed to scan emails and phone conversations for subversive language.
With no real ideology to underpin it, though, the regime will have to double down on nationalism, and a continued Orwellian rewriting of history to justify the policies of the present. Movements like the Young Army – which already has 1.5 million 8-18 year-old boys and girls in its ranks – will become all the more important as means of socialising the new generation into Mr Putin’s creed of grievance and glory.
The Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church will likewise be pressed into service to bless Mr Putin’s imperialism, kleptocracy and autocracy. With the population already beginning to skew increasingly in favour of its Muslim regions, though, where birth rates are higher, it will be a continuing challenge to rely on the Orthodox Church without alienating them. The Kremlin will nervously watch as Muslims in the army grows from its current 10 percent level.
There will still be an oppressed but surviving civil society despite everything, even lonely opposition voices, from democrats to ultra-nationalists who feel let down by Mr Putin. The real source of potential resistance, though, will come from the struggling economy. Moscow will still likely be a shining modern city, but the provinces will suffer as reserves run out and underspending on infrastructure, investment and services begin to bite. Wildcat strikes are one thing, but the Kremlin’s real fear will be the sudden emergence of a political movement like the Solidarity trade union in Poland from 1989.
Of course, it need not be like this. Mr Putin may die, or be forced by ill-health to retire. He could even – although for now this is the least likely scenario – be ousted. There might be some energetic young hawk in the Kremlin, or maybe even some more moderate technocrat like Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, not a democrat, but at least someone without the same imperialist instincts. Yet, sadly, for now the odds are that, six years on, we will still need to be talking about Mr Putin.